Famous Female Warrior Cut Nyak Dhien Museum

Famous Female Warrior Cut Nyak Dhien Museum

Famous Female Warrior Cut Nyak Dhien Museum

Cut Nyak Dhien Museum is a historical museum in Aceh. Cut Nyak Dhien was a famous woman freedom fighter in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era. Cut Nyak Dhien is one of the persistent heroes against the Dutch. She was born in the era of Aceh Kingdom in 1848 in Lampadang and died in Sumedang, West Java on November 6^th , 1908. Cut Nyak Dhien previously married to Ibrahim Lamnga who then died during the battle against the  Dutch in Gle Arum in 1878. This make Cut Nyak Dhien overflowing his anger and determined to destroy the Dutch. In 1880, Cut Nyak Dhien remarried to Teuku Umar who is one of the national hero also. Her activities were very embarrassing the dutch who finally burnt down her house. Cut Nyak Dhien and Teuku Umar fought  together against the Dutch. But in 1899 Teuku Umar died while attacked Meulaboh.

Cut Nyak Dhien Museum

The government later built a replica of Cut Nyak Dhien house filled with
Acehnese artifacts and various possessions of Cut Nyak Dhien. The Cut
Nyak Dhien Museum now stands in the original place in Lampisang village.
Lampisang village is located on Banda Aceh – Meulaboh street at km 12 or
about 6 kilometer to the west of Banda Aceh

Cut Nyak Dhien

After her husband Teuku Umar died in the battle, Cut Nyak Dhien at that
time was old and only fought alone against the Dutch without the her
husband. Cut Nyak Dhien was finally arrested and brought to Banda Aceh
But the
existence of Cut Nyak Dhien in Banda Aceh makes the spirit
of struggle of the people of Aceh, so then she thrown to Sumedang.

In order to remembering the Cut Nyak Dhien, her name is now immortalized
 at Cut Nyak Dhien Airport, Nagan Raya, Cut Nyak Dhien Nursing Academy,
Navy Warship KRI Cut Nyak Dhien and also her name is immortalized in the
Indonesian currency of 10.000 in 1998 and also in various cities streets
in Indonesia.